d e e
* '1
a p p i h e s .4.
l i v i n g | b o o k s
A good story takes
you to another
world. Grab these
books, a cuppa,
and a blanket,
, you’re all set
for a vacation.
Losing My
and Other Dumb ideas
o C o d U - o n / t p U .
b e s t o f m e
. AM>P°r
Spice up your
holiday with a
light, easy-to-
read paperback
from our list.
y B o l l y w
o o d W
e d d i n g ,
R ek h a W a h e e d
Love the masala of Bollywood but
bored of the typical movie? Try a
Bollywood-inspired read instead.
London-based writer and novelist
Rekha Waheed’s fourth novel is about
protagonist Maya who proposes to her
best friend Jhanghir—dramatically on
the stage at an awards ceremony—after
she derails his engagement. A fast-
paced 344-page book, you can tote it
on a flight, when lazing around on the
beach, or hiking up the cool mountains
during the winter holidays.
L u k a a n d t h e F i r e
o f L i f e ,
S a lm a n R u sh d ie
This book was written by Salman
Rushdie as a gift to his second son,
Milan, on his 12* birthday. A sequel to
his earlier book,
Haroun and the Sea
of Stories,
part two is about 12-year-
old Luka’s journey through the magic
world to save his father from dying
in his sleep. To do this Luka has to
steal the Fire of Life, an impossible
and dangerous task, ridden with
innumerable obstacles. An absorbing
read, the only time you will put this
book down is when you have finished it.
A l e p h ,
P au lo C oelh o
Recounting a personal story, Coelho
writes about a journey he undertook
between March and July 2006. During
this trek across Europe, Africa, and
Asia, he meets Hilal—the woman he
presumably loved a startling 500 years
ago. On reading this 320-page book,
you’ll realize that the story is really
about a face-off with our fears and sins,
search for love and forgiveness, and the
courage to confront life.
L o s i n g M
y V
i r g i n
i t y a n d O
t h e r
D u m
b I d e a s ,
M ad h u ri B a n erjee
This is the first attempt at a novel by
documentary award winner Madhuri
Banerjee. Uplifting and unashamedly
chick-lit, this book is the story of Kaveri,
a 30-year-old single woman, who, in
spite of having read all the books on how
to get a date, has not been successful
as yet. However, on her 30th birthday,
Kaveri makes a resolution: love or no
love, she is going to lose her virginity.
It’s perfect for those who are looking for
a casual, easy read.
T h e B e s t o f M
e ,
N ich o las S p a rk s
Written by one of the world’s most
beloved romantic novelists, Nicholas
Sparks’ latest offering holds equal
promise. The story revolves around
Amanda and Dawson, a couple, who
fell in love in the fall of 1984. Despite
being complete opposites, their love
for each other was for keeps. But, as
the summer arrived, unforeseen events
tore them apart. Twenty five years
later, they return home for a funeral.
Can true love reunite them this time?
T h e H
a p p i n e s s P r o j e c t ,
G re tch e n R ubin
Gretchen Rubin, a wife and mother of
two, realized that being happy was one
thing but enjoying the small pleasures
of the daily grind was another. To
express her thoughts, she started a
year-long ‘happiness’ project on her
blog that later took shape of this book.
A New
York Times
#1 bestseller, this
self-help book contains 12 chapters,
each dealing with a different topic
aimed to help you stay happy. Get
inspired by this book and make
happiness your New Year resolution.
S o m
e o n e E l s e ’ s G a r d e n ,
D ip ik a Rai
f -
Debutant author Dipika Rai’s first
novel is a heart-wrenching read that
will make the soft-hearted reach out
for a tissue. The book is about Mamta,
the eldest child in a family of seven,
who comes from a weak economical
background. She is rejected by her
father who sees no reason to pay any
attention to her till she is due for
marriage. A redemptive story, it will
get you thinking. ■
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